
The Side Ride

side ride sex position
When we talk about positions where the girl is on top, you'll probably think about the Cowgirl and Reverse Cowgirl positions straightaway. But there's so many more options you can try out. Take the Side Ride for example, a gorgeous position that's going to be a lot of fun. Here's everything you've ever needed to know about the Side Ride sex position. Check out all the other sex positions here! As much fun as the regular Cowgirl and the Reverse Cowgirl positions are, it's

The Reverse Wheelbarrow

reverse wheelbarrow sex position
We'll start off with a word of warning: the Reverse Wheelbarrow is a tricky one. It requires a lot of flexibility on the girl's end, and some strength from the guy. When done right, though, it's a really cool position, one that will definitely tire you out nicely. Here's everything you've ever needed to know about the Reverse Wheelbarrow sex position. Check out all the other sex positions here! You might be familiar with the regular Wheelbarrow sex position (if not, go read up

The Sideways

sideways sex position
Some sex positions are so versatile, you can use them in many different ways. The Sideways position is one of those. You can use it in bed, on the couch, on the floor, or even outside, in the backyard or at the beach. Here's everything you've always needed to know about the Sideways sex position. Check out all the other sex positions here! The Sideways sex position is also perfect during various moments of the day. It might be the ultimate "good morning, wanna

The Table Top

Table Top sex position
Depending on means and motive, the Table Top position can be one of the kinkiest ones out there. Everything about it just simply screams: I want you, right here, right now. It's an easy position, everybody can do it without a lot of practice. Here's everything you've ever needed to know about the Table Top sex position. There are so many reasons to choose Table Top from the long list of sex positions. It's no coincidence it's primarily used in porn to depict a

The Lotus

Lotus sex position
The Lotus is probably the most romantic position you've ever been in, or will ever be in. Don't expect raunchy, rough sex; this one's for those beautiful moments of love, trust, and pleasure. Get it right, and you may never want to stop again. Here's everything you've ever needed to know about the Lotus sex position. The Lotus position (the normal position, not the sex position) is a very important pose in Buddhist, Hindu, and Tantra culture. It references to health and well-being, something

The Seashell

Seashell sex position
The Seashell is a sex position that requires some flexibility. Once you pull it off, though, it's an absolutely amazing one, suited for incredibily deep impact and a great view for both parties involved. Here's everything you'll ever need to know about the Seashell sex position. She sells seashells by the seashore - try saying that five times really fast. Did you do it? Good, now try it while you're actually doing the Seashell position. It's gonna be a lot harder, promise ;) It's

The Piledriver

Sex positions: Piledriver position
The Piledriver isn't the most widely used sex position of them all. Not in the bedroom, at least. If porn was anything like the real world, we'd all be doing it all the time. Even though we aren't, it's still a fun one to try out for a change. Here's everything you'll ever need to know about the Piledriver position. When people build houses, they use piledrivers to make sure the structure won't collapse. When wrestlers want to finish somebody off, they use the

The Spoon

Sex positions: Spoon position
Although perfect for cuddling or sleeping, the Spoon is actually quite the nice sex position, too. It's very intimate, and it can easily be the result of some basic cuddling, turning into mutual arousal. Here's all you'll ever need to know about the Spoon position. Big spoon or little spoon? Many people have been asked that question, and for good reason: there aren't many cuddling positions more romantic than this one. But when both are naked, the Spoon is a sex position that can

The Wheelbarrow

Sex positions: Wheelbarrow position
The Wheelbarrow is a not-too common sex position, although you may have come across it in porn movies. It's a tough one, especially for the girl, but since the guy should help her out, it can be tricky for him, too. However, when done right, it's a super sexy one. Here's everything you'll ever need to know about the Wheelbarrow position. The name of the Wheelbarrow makes a lot of sense. A much less kinky version is sometimes used in gym classes or workouts.

The Standing (back)

Sex positions: Standing position (back)
Ever had sex in a fitting room, changing room, bathroom stall, or elevator? Chances are you may have tried the Standing position. This one’s about the backwards version, which differs from the frontwards version in a lot of ways. Here’s everything you’ve ever wanted to know about the Standing (back) position.  While not overly common in bedrooms and other areas with room to spare, the backwards standing position is one of the sex positions of choice in tight spaces. There are a couple of size