If you’re looking for a fun sex position in which you can move around a lot, the Lean Back probably isn’t your best bet. It is, however, a really interesting one if you want to branch out a little bit. It might take some getting used to, but once you’re both in position, it’s nothing short of amazing. Here’s everything you’ve ever needed to know about the Lean Back sex position.
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Tricky as it might be, the Lean Back is a lot of fun to do. Mind you, both the girl and the guy have to be in fairly good shape, and it’s not the most active position of them all, but it’s definitely worth a shot. Let’s see how it works – starting with the guy, for a change.
The guy
The guy starts by sitting on his knees, his legs spread a little, his body leaning down in between his feet, or even on his heels. He’s leaning back (no shit, Sherlock!) so his upper body is tilted about 45 degrees, his chest lining up with his upper legs. He can use one arm behind him to rest his weight on, or even both. Sitting like this, he can’t move around all that much, if at all, so that’s about it for him.
The girl
The girl is in a somewhat similar position, also leaning back, probably using both her arms to put the weight of her body on. Her legs are spread, too, but instead of kneeling down, she’s in more of a bridge-like position, her feet flat on the surface, her knees up ever so slightly. There are five touching points for her: both her hands, both her feet, and her butt as she lowers herself over the guy.
The movement
Now, this is a tricky one, for there isn’t a lot of movement possible. The guy is pretty much tied up. He can wiggle his hips a bit, but that’s about it. The movement of the girl depends on how flexible she is: some might be able to fully raise their bodies up to the point where the guy almost slips out, others may have to do more of a wiggling motion as well. The guy might also help her stay in place by holding her lower back, even to help guide her up and down.
The extras
Like a regular riding position, guy and girl are facing each other in the Lean Back position, although she might tilt her head so far back she’s looking at the ceiling or even the wall behind her. The guy gets a perfect view of pretty much her entire body, and he can use his free hand to caress her boobs or rub her clit. It’s also fairly easy for the girl to find the perfect angle by slightly moving back or forth. Slipping out isn’t too much of an issue either, as the guy has one hand free to squeeze himself right back in.
The catch
But there’s always a catch. With the Lean Back, that catch is pretty much the lack of movement, especially from the guy’s point of view. It’s also quite the stretchy position, putting quite a bit of strain on both the guy’s and the girl’s legs and arms. It’s probably not the type of position you’d want to be doing for hours on end, but to spice up your life in the bedroom or somewhere else, the Lean Back sex position is definitely worth giving a shot.